Get World War II Merchant Mariner Records

We offer access to WWII personnel records of individual WWII Merchant Marines. WWII Merchant Mariner personnel records provide an exciting, in-depth look at the maritime career of individual WWII Merchant Marines. Our research specialists are on-site at the archival research facility where your Merchant Marine’s WWII military records are maintained, and we can scan the entire  military personnel record of your WWII  Merchant Marine, page by page in high resolution. In many cases we are also able to provide a high-resolution period photograph of WWII Merchant Marines. 

How Much Do World War II Merchant Mariner Records Cost?

WWII Merchant Mariner records under 40 pages in length are $100

WWII Merchant Mariner records over 40 pages in length are $175

What Kind of Historical Records Are Inside Your World War II Merchant Marine's File?

Examples of Merchant Marine WWII Records. Click a File To View.

Request Your Veteran's WWII Merchant Mariner's Service Records