We offer access the individual deceased personnel files of U.S. veterans which are housed at the National Archives. The Individual Deceased Personnel Files (I.D.P.F’s) are essential for researching the military service of individual veterans who were killed or died in the service. Due to the impact of the 1973 fire at the National Archives many military service records of individual veterans were destroyed. The I.D.P.F.’s can be used as a tool for reconstructing the service history of veterans who were killed in action or died during the service. An I.D.P.F. usually contains information on the service of the individual veteran, details about the disposition of the deceased veteran’s remains, and correspondence with the family regarding the burial of the veteran. For those wanting to carry out research of a veteran who died in the service- the I.D.P.F. is a vital tool for uncovering details about the service history, death and burial of the veteran. Fill out the request form below to order the I.D.P.F. of your veteran.
Learn more about the military service records found in the I.D.P.F.
Which I.D.P.F's are available to order?
Army and Army Air Corps I.D.P.F.’s for WWII and the Korean War are available.
Many KIA Vietnam veterans have a ‘Mortuary File’ which is essentially the later version of the I.D.P.F.
Air Force I.D.P.F.’s are currently available for the years 1947-1973
Marine Corps I.D.P.F.’s are currently available for the period 1940-1989
Navy I.D.P.F.’s are currently available for the years 1907-1989
I.D.P.F.’s for the period 1915-1939 are called ‘WWI Burial Files’ and can be requested here as well.
Prices for I.D.P.F.'s
I.D.P.F.’s under 40 pages in length are $50.
I.D.P.F.’s over 40 pages in length are $75.
I.D.P.F.’s over 125 pages are $100.