Wrapping Things Up: The WWII Navy Notice of Separation
Golden Arrow Research

Wrapping Things Up: The WWII Navy Notice of Separation

If you would like to request your veteran’s WWII Navy records please click here: Request WWII Navy Service Records

The Separation Document

The Navy issued a Notice of Separation when a WWII Navy veteran left the service. The WWII Navy Notice of Separation is a one-page document that serves as a basic outline of a WWII Navy veteran’s service. The Notice of Separation details the veteran’s WWII service from enlistment to discharge and contains all the information required for proof of service and eligibility for certain benefits. Like most military forms, the WWII Navy Notice of Separation evolved over time to contain as much detail as possible. Since the WWII Navy Notice of Separation contains so much useful data packed onto just one page it is one of the most highly sought after military service records found in the WWII Navy official military personnel file.

In order to qualify for demobilization post-WWII, Naval personnel were required to meet or exceed points based on multiple criteria. The WWII point system was used to maintain enough personnel to handle troop transport and occupation duties. Interestingly, the Navy also provided transitional assistance into civilian jobs and further education as part of the separation process after WWII.

Demobilization document for WWII Navy veteran separation from the Navy from the OMPF military service records at the National Archives

As long as a WWII Navy veteran completed their service in good standing they were provided with a WWII Navy Notice of Separation which indicated ‘honorable’ service. This WWII separation record is also commonly referred to as the ‘Honorable Discharge’. When the WWII Navy veteran separated from the military their original Notice of Separation was placed inside their WWII Navy official military personnel file for storage. A second copy of the original went back to the civilian world with the WWII Navy veteran who had completed their time in the Navy. Over the years the WWII veteran would have had to present this document as proof of eligibility for awards, service-related benefits, certain types of employment, and membership within military associations. Aside from providing evidence that the WWII Navy veteran’s service ended honorably, the WWII Navy Notice of Separation also provides an excellent source of information on the military service of the individual WWII Navy veteran.

Notice of Separation from the WWII military service records in the official military personnel file OMPF at the National Archives

Today, the WWII-era Navy Notice of Separation for your WWII Navy veteran is maintained in their official military personnel file at the National Archives. As you will see, the wealth of information on the WWII Navy Notice of Separation makes it a ‘must have’ when conducting research in military service records of an individual WWII Navy veteran.

What can you expect to find on most Notice of Separation records within the WWII Navy official military personnel of your veteran?

1. WWII Navy Veteran Basic Information: The naval veteran’s name, serial number, date of birth, permanent residence, marital status, citizenship, and final rank when separated from the Navy. The WWII Navy Notice of Separation will also indicate whether the Navy veteran was discharged honorably and whether they saw overseas service while enlisted.

Campaign participation of a WWII Navy veteran from the notice of separation in the official military personnel file at the national archives

2. WWII Navy duties and qualifications: A list of ranks held during the service period, training, certifications, duties, ships served aboard, medals, awards, and commendations, as well as stations where the WWII Navy veteran was assigned.

Ranks and ships of assignment for a WWII Navy veteran from the military service records of the OMPF at NARA

3. Family and civilian documentation: A list of prior civilian jobs, employers, dates of civilian employment, education level, and the exact date and location where the WWII Navy veteran separated from the service.

WWII Navy veteran education, training and qualification from notice of separation in the military service records of the OMPF

As previously mentioned, the WWII Navy Notice of Separation is maintained inside of the WWII Navy official military personnel file which is stored at the National Archives. The Navy military service records inside of the official military personnel file (aside from the Notice of Separation) include many other excellent resources for military and family research. If you can visit the archives in person in order to view your WWII Navy veteran’s personnel records that is always the best option. However, it may actually be more convenient and cost-effective to hire a professional research company to access and scan your veteran’s WWII Navy official military personnel file. The records can be conveniently delivered right to your email inbox and you can view the scans of your veteran’s records from the comfort of your own home. If you are interested in ordering your veteran’s records please visit our ordering page: Request WWII Navy Military Records

For those interested in visiting the archives in person to view a record check out the National Archives website for more info: NARA OMPF page

Request your WWII Navy Veteran’s official military personnel file

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